Reserved Keywords in Scala
Scala Keywords
Keywords or Reserved words are the words in a language that are used for some internal process or represent some predefined actions. These words are therefore not allowed to use as variable names or objects. Doing this will result in a compile-time error.
And one more interesting fact... public and default is not a keyword in Scala, we can use this word as we like as per below example :
Scala contains following keywords:
<- Delimits a generator from its identifier in a for-loop.
← A single-character (\u2190) alternative to <-.
<: The upper-bound operator, restricting types to those that are equal to or extend the given type.
<% The view-bound operator, allowing any type that may be treated as the given type.
= The assignment operator.
=> Used in match expressions and partial functions to indicate a conditional expression, in function types to indicate a return type, and in function literals to define the function body.
⇒ A single-character (\u21D2) alternative to =>.
>: The lower-bound operator, restricting types to those that are equal to or are extended by the given type.
abstract Marks a class or trait as being abstract and uninstantiable.
case Defines a matching pattern in match expressions and partial functions.
catch Catches an exception. An alternate syntax that predates the util.Try monadic collection.
class Defines a new class.
def Defines a new method.
do Part of the do..while loop definition.
else The second part of an if..else conditional expression.
extends Defines a base type for a class.
false One of the two Boolean values.
final Marks a class or trait as being non extendable.
finally Executes an expression following a try block. An alternate syntax that predates the util.Try monadic collection.
for Begins a for-loop.
forSome Defines an existential type. Existential types are a flexible method for specifying type requirements.
if The first part of an if..else conditional expression, or the main part of an if conditional statement.
implicit Defines an implicit conversion or parameter.
import Imports a package, class, or members of a class to the current namespace.
lazy Defines a value as being lazy, only defined the first time it is accessed.
match Begins a match expression.
new Creates a new instance of a class.
null A value that indicates the lack of an instance. Has the type Null.
object Defines a new object.
override Marks a value or method as replacing the member of the same name in a base type.
package Defines the current package, an incremental package name, or a package object.
private Marks a class member as being inaccessible outside the class definition.
protected Marks a class member as being inaccessible outside the class definition or its sub-classes.
return Explicitly states the return value for a method. By default, the last expression in a method is used as the return value.
sealed Marks a class as only allowing sub-classes within the current file.
super Marks a class member reference as one in the base type, versus one overridden in the current class.
this Marks a class member reference as one in the current class, versus a parameter with the same name.
throw Raises an error condition that breaks the current flow of operation and only resumes if the error is caught elsewhere.
trait Defines a new trait.
true One of the two Boolean values.
try Marks a range of code for catching an exception. An alternate syntax that predates the util.Try monadic collection.
type Defines a new type alias.
val Defines a new, immutable value.
var Defines a new, mutable variable.
while Part of the do..while loop definition.
with Defines a base trait for a class.
yield Yields the return value from a for-loop.
Keywords or Reserved words are the words in a language that are used for some internal process or represent some predefined actions. These words are therefore not allowed to use as variable names or objects. Doing this will result in a compile-time error.
And one more interesting fact... public and default is not a keyword in Scala, we can use this word as we like as per below example :
Scala contains following keywords:
<- Delimits a generator from its identifier in a for-loop.
← A single-character (\u2190) alternative to <-.
<: The upper-bound operator, restricting types to those that are equal to or extend the given type.
<% The view-bound operator, allowing any type that may be treated as the given type.
= The assignment operator.
=> Used in match expressions and partial functions to indicate a conditional expression, in function types to indicate a return type, and in function literals to define the function body.
⇒ A single-character (\u21D2) alternative to =>.
>: The lower-bound operator, restricting types to those that are equal to or are extended by the given type.
abstract Marks a class or trait as being abstract and uninstantiable.
case Defines a matching pattern in match expressions and partial functions.
catch Catches an exception. An alternate syntax that predates the util.Try monadic collection.
class Defines a new class.
def Defines a new method.
do Part of the do..while loop definition.
else The second part of an if..else conditional expression.
extends Defines a base type for a class.
false One of the two Boolean values.
final Marks a class or trait as being non extendable.
finally Executes an expression following a try block. An alternate syntax that predates the util.Try monadic collection.
for Begins a for-loop.
forSome Defines an existential type. Existential types are a flexible method for specifying type requirements.
if The first part of an if..else conditional expression, or the main part of an if conditional statement.
implicit Defines an implicit conversion or parameter.
import Imports a package, class, or members of a class to the current namespace.
lazy Defines a value as being lazy, only defined the first time it is accessed.
match Begins a match expression.
new Creates a new instance of a class.
null A value that indicates the lack of an instance. Has the type Null.
object Defines a new object.
override Marks a value or method as replacing the member of the same name in a base type.
package Defines the current package, an incremental package name, or a package object.
private Marks a class member as being inaccessible outside the class definition.
protected Marks a class member as being inaccessible outside the class definition or its sub-classes.
return Explicitly states the return value for a method. By default, the last expression in a method is used as the return value.
sealed Marks a class as only allowing sub-classes within the current file.
super Marks a class member reference as one in the base type, versus one overridden in the current class.
this Marks a class member reference as one in the current class, versus a parameter with the same name.
throw Raises an error condition that breaks the current flow of operation and only resumes if the error is caught elsewhere.
trait Defines a new trait.
true One of the two Boolean values.
try Marks a range of code for catching an exception. An alternate syntax that predates the util.Try monadic collection.
type Defines a new type alias.
val Defines a new, immutable value.
var Defines a new, mutable variable.
while Part of the do..while loop definition.
with Defines a base trait for a class.
yield Yields the return value from a for-loop.
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