How Yarn works in a Agile style ?

Hadoop : 

How Yarn works in a Agile style ?

1. Resource Manager - Project Manager(PM)
2. Application Master - Scrum Master(SM)
3. Node Manager - Technical Resources


1. PM gets a requirement from the client. 

2. PM consult with Bench(NameNode) about the resource availability. In our case it is data blocks location. 

3. PM appoints a scrum master(Application Master) for every client requirement. RM initiates an AM container in Node manager for every application. 

4. SM knows who are the resources required to accomplish the task on the current location. AM requests the container allocation to the RM based upon data locality.

5. PM either accepts the resource request given by SM or allocate relevant resources. RM Will provide the available resource to AM. 

6. Tasks given to the technical resources will be keenly monitored by SM and he will update the PM. AM will monitor the running containers for the task and status will be sent to the RM. 

7. Once the tasks are completed. SM request the PM to sign off the technical resource. AM will request RM to kill the completed containers.

8. Once all the project work is done. PM will sign off the SM from this project and he will be moved to bench. RM will kill the AM container once all the tasks are done for the Yarn Application.


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