Partitions in Hive
Today we will discuss about partitioning in Hive and ways to use it. The bigger problem with hive is that when we apply where clause in our query then even a simple query in Hive also reads the entire dataset and this situation decreases the efficiency and becomes a bottleneck when we are required to run the queries on large tables, but this issue can be overcome by implementing partitions on hive tables.
Today we will discuss about partitioning in Hive and ways to use it. The bigger problem with hive is that when we apply where clause in our query then even a simple query in Hive also reads the entire dataset and this situation decreases the efficiency and becomes a bottleneck when we are required to run the queries on large tables, but this issue can be overcome by implementing partitions on hive tables.
Partitions in hive :
Partitions is a way to organizes tables into partitions by dividing tables into
different parts based on partition keys such as
date, city, and department.
Partition is helpful when the table has one or more partitions keys. Partition keys are basic elements for determining how the data is stored in the table.
In the case of tables which are not
partitioned, all the files in a table’s data directory is read and then filters
are applied on it as a subsequent phase. This becomes a slow and expensive
affair especially in cases of large tables. Without partitioning, Hive reads
all the data in the directory and applies the query filters on it. This is slow
and expensive since all data has to be read.
Very often users need to filter the
data on specific column values. To apply the partitioning in hive, users need
to understand the domain of the data on which they are doing analysis.
With this knowledge, identification
of the frequently queried or accessed columns becomes easy and then
partitioning feature of Hive can be applied on the selected columns.
Owing the fact that Partitions are
horizontal slices of data, larger sets of data can be separated into more
manageable chunks/parts.
When to use Hive Partitioning:
When any user wants data contained
within a table to be split across multiple sections in hive table, then we can
go for partitions.
If we are applying partitioning in
Hive table, The entries for the various columns of dataset are segregated and
stored in their respective partition. When we write the query to fetch the
values from table, only the required partitions of the table are queried, which
reduces the time taken by query to yield the result.
Types of partitions in
Hive :
A sample Use Case :
Below are the sample data files which have
records of Employees like, Employee Code, employee Name, Employee Salary and
Employee’s Joining Year, so using below datasets we want to partition the table
by last column Employee’s joining year.
As per below files, three files are already
segregated/separate files for per year, so these files can be use for static
partition and last file having 4 years of data in a single file, so in this
case we can go for dynamic partition, so automatically data will be segregated
and 4 partitions will be create with segregated data.
Sample data 1 to use for static partition : (file
name : static_part_file_2015.csv)
Sample data 2 to use for static partition : (file
name : static_part_file_2016.csv)
Sample data 3 to use for static partition : (file
name : static_part_file_2017.csv)
Sample Data to use for Dynamic partition : (file name : dynamic_part_file.csv)
How to create partition table in hive? : The way of creating partition table in Hive either
Static Partition or Dynamic Partition both are same, different is only while
loading/inserting the data based upon data/files.
While creating the partition tables,
partition columns(column on which we want to partition the table/ segregate the data)
should be mentioned at the end with partitioned
by clause.
Query for creation of Partition table
Create table table_name (column1
datatype, column2 datatype) partitioned by (partition column_column3 datatype);
Below I am creating two tables to use
Static and Dynamic Partitions :
1. create table static_part_table (emp_cd int, emp_nm
string, emp_sal bigint) partitioned by (emp_join_year int) row format delimited
fields terminated by ‘,’ ;
2. create table dynamic_part_table (emp_cd int, emp_nm
string, emp_sal bigint) partitioned by (emp_join_year int) row format delimited
fields terminated by ‘,’ ;
Static Partition :
When to use static partitioning:
partitioning needs to be applied when we know data(supposed to be inserted)
belongs to which partition. In case of static partitions, we need to have
separate files for each partition or we want to insert data from any exists
table in that case we can insert using where
clause in HQL in specific partition.
If we have
different segregated files then we can go for static partition and every time
we load the data, need to specify the partition value and file name.
Now we’ll load the separate data
files in static_part_table using below commands :
data local inpath '/home/g.aspiresit.001/static_part_file_2015.csv' into table
static_part_table partition (emp_join_year = '2015');
data local inpath '/home/g.aspiresit.001/static_part_file_2016.csv' into table
static_part_table partition (emp_join_year = '2016');
data local inpath '/home/g.aspiresit.001/static_part_file_2017.csv' into table
static_part_table partition (emp_join_year = '2017');
we will check the created partitions in this table :
we can verify the data in different partitions :
we can see the partitioned data in hive warehouse path (hdfs location), here we
can see that partitions are created as a directory and inside that our loaded
file is available.
Verify the loaded partitioned data of a partition emp_join_year=2017:
or we
can insert data in static partition table with segregate data using Where clause in HQL from any existed table. Suppose
I have a Hive table all_year_data_table where data is available for the year
2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 as per below screenshot.
Now, I
want to insert year 2018 data in my table static_part_table in partition 2018, we
can do this using below query :
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE static_part_table PARTITION(emp_join_year = '2018')
FROM all_year_data_table
WHERE emp_join_year = '2018';
In below screenshot we can verify the no. of partitions before and after run the above query.
verify the data of newly created partition in hive : emp_join_year=2018 :
Dynamic Partition :
to use dynamic partitioning:
In static partitioning every
partitioning needs to be backed with individual hive statement which is not
feasible for large number of partitions as it will require writing of lot of
hive statements. In that scenario dynamic partitioning is suggested as automatically
it will create as many number of partitions with single hive statement.
In this we will see that while insert
the data using single query the data will be segregate automatically and create
possible no. of partitions with that segregated data.
Above we have already created a table
to use dynamic partition : dynamic_part_table
To use the dynamic partition in Hive first we need
to set below parameters:
We can use the below parameters in
hive shell or in hive-site.xml file.
In this case we have set the below
properties in hive shell.
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
Now we will try to load the data in this table from
a single file which have data for all the year, and now we want to create
partition for each year data with a single query :
But to
use dynamic partition we can not load data file directly in the table as it
needs to read all the file line by line, then after full scan it creates
possible no. of partitions, then load the segregated data in each partition,
whether we load the data in table, blindly it loads the file in the table
without read or scan it. So we will create a temporary table temp_table,
load the dynamic_part_file.csv in
this table and then from that temporary table we will insert data into main
target table dynamic_part_table.
Benefit of Temporary Table : Temporary tables are session oriented tables, as
soon we will come out from the hive session, table will be automatic drop, so
for temporary type of work, we can go for this type of table to save space.
Syntax to create Temporary Table :
temporary table temp_table (emp_cd
int, emp_nm string, emp_sal bigint, emp_join_year int) row format delimited
fields terminated by ',' ;
below screenshot we can verify that as soon we come out from hive session,
table automatic dropped.
now we will insert data in dynamic_part_table from temporary table temp_table to
create dynamic partitions using below single query :
OVERWRITE TABLE dynamic_part_table
In our data file we have 4 years data : 2015, 2016, 2017 and
2018, So it should create 4 partitions respectively for these years. Now We
will verify these partitions in Hive along with data :
Now in hive warehouse path (hdfs) we will verify these
partitions :
Next, we will verify the loaded/inserted data in these
partitions :
And at last if you have noticed then we can see that while we
loaded the data using load data …. Command then in
hive warehouse path we can see directly exact loaded file name under partition(partition is a directory in hdfs),
And while inserted the data from another existed table then
it is scanning the source table, running MapReduce job, then after internal
screening its inserting the data. So in this case we are not able to see the
file name, here we can see the data file inside partitions as 000000_0, 000000_1,
000000_2 as per no. of blocks of data/file.
Citing the all above explanation we
come to the conclusion that data management becomes very efficient with the
usage of partitioning in hive as its working as a kind of optimization to avoid
full table scan. And finally, we cover the topic of static and dynamic partitions
in hive. In next post we will discuss about nested partitions, Bucketing in
hive tables and skewed table in hive.
Thank you so much to read this post, if you have any
suggestions or query, kindly feel free to leave your valuable comments and
Thank You!
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